Harmood School

Harmood is a special education school located in the heart of Camden. While green spaces are limited, we are committed to making the most of them, creating a vibrant and welcoming environment. Planters will feature spring bulbs and pollinator-friendly plants to bring nature into the space.

Latest Update

February '24 Update: We've been busy at Harmood School! In March '24, we transformed the planters with a vibrant mix of plants, carefully chosen for succession and to attract pollinators. As the seasons unfold, we'll observe what flourishes, learning from nature and adapting to make the space even more alive.

Thanks to £700 from the Veolia Sustainability Fund—and their generous compost donation—our work at Harmood in December '23 and March '24 has taken root.

Most recently, we’ve turned a small patio, once enclosed by bamboo, into a sensory garden. This new space features lavender, pollinator-friendly plants, dogwood, and Verbena bonariensis. A quiet retreat away from the main playground, it’s perfect for students and teachers to unwind and connect with nature!

Rewilding strategies

Spring bulbs


Summer and autumn flowering perennials




Herbs and pollinator-friendly perennials


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Hampstead School


Holly Lodge Estate - Community Garden